The Staffordshire Moorlands Methodist Circuit is committed to constantly seeking opportunities to transform people’s lives through an active and living faith in Jesus Christ.
We will do this by
- Loving Christ through Worship and Prayer
- Growing in Christ by offering learning and discipleship
- Showing Christ’s love through service and caring
- Making Christ known through communication and action
Our priorities are
- Engagement with children and young people and their families, enabling the exploration of faith in Jesus Christ
- The nuture of discipleship, empowering all within the church to talk about and deepen their faith in Jesus Christ by engaging with others
- The use of all Circuit resources for the work of mission and outreach and pastoral care in the local communities
- Encouraging discipleship, through small group activities to support each other, and build up trust and faith in Jesus Christ
The outworking of this Mission Statement will be embodied in an annual plan to be presented to the Circuit Meeting each year by the Circuit Leadership Team for discussion, amendment and adoption
In all that we do we will, as a Circuit seek to develop a culture of responsiveness and willingness to make changes that will keep our mission relevant and effective as we seek to be followers of Christ.